
Tragic Magic

Remember the good old act where the magician accidentally cuts his breathtakingly beautiful partner in two? In this case there is not one, but two beautiful women. It is their pairing that makes a sensation and which takes your breath away, as one is tiny and delicate and the other one is extremely tall, but nevertheless splendid.

In Alex Emelin’s vision, this well-known sequence is brought to new dimensions. It merges perfectly synchronized gestures and moves with goofiness, and elegant magic tricks with frivolity; this is all presented in a relaxed atmosphere. Even the edges of dark comedy are smoothed out by the candid performance. The disappearing and all of the other magic tricks are so precisely executed that the moment of spoof erupts spontaneously and breaks the spell.

There is always something to learn from one of Emelin’s comedy magic numbers. By creating a never-ending carousel of flops, he indulges in showing the audience expressly how the prank should’ve turn out. But don’t be misled, you know that you’re being fooled and so you’re enjoying it.

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